"Kroma Wellness Shop" provides a subscription service. By subscribing to our service, you have confirmed that you accept our Terms of Sale. Your membership will automatically renew on a recurring basis at which time your credit card will be charged automatically for the subscription products, including applicable shipping and handling fees until you cancel your membership. You may cancel your membership at anytime by logging in to your account, selecting Subscriptions, then clicking cancel next to the item.
Cancellation Policy
Some items in our store may be offered to you as a subscription. This cancellation policy lays out how you can change or cancel these kinds of purchases.
When you purchase a subscription, you’ll receive repeat deliveries. These deliveries are based on the subscription frequency that you select. Your payment details will be stored securely, and you’ll be charged for each of these deliveries on the appropriate recurring date. You will receive an email reminder for each upcoming charge (15) days prior to the scheduled process date. If you no longer want to receive your subscription, you can cancel it.
If you want to cancel or change your subscription, you can do so at any time. Simply log into your account and select ‘Manage Subscriptions’. From here, click ‘Subscriptions’, select the item, and then make your changes. To skip a shipment or cancel the subscription, click the appropriate link at the bottom of the page. You can also click the ‘Manage Subscriptions’ button in your upcoming subscription reminder email to go direct to your account. Feel free to reach out to customer service for assistance with your subscriptions at any time at help@kromawellness.com or (858) 240-2570.